What a lovely ‘thank you’

We just received this lovely thank you card…

It’s so nice that the hard work of our team is valued so highly.

Read the words of a customer this week, in a card she sent to Stacey, who runs our new “chat and no-contact collect” disability equipment shop:

“I am happy to say that on Saturday we enjoyed an hours walk around Houghton Hall Park, with me being pushed around in the ‘new’ wheelchair, that I received from your charity.

My partner heroically pushed me around. Including, at times, some hilariously reckless driving across grass so he could show the bluebells and primroses to me ‘close up’. There was a bit of squealing and a lot of laughter! Oh it was just wonderful to be out together. Sun or rain it wouldn’t have mattered, but oh we had such a lovely time.

It didn’t even matter that I was in a wheelchair, it turns out, I was still me and he was still him, it was just lovely.

I never thought that I may have to end up adjusting to a life with a wheelchair, albeit hopefully only until the hospitals open back up. But this is where I am and we all have to make the best of this situation. It’s been hard to accept, making these changes. I used to be so independent and active. So when I realised life was heading this way, I had no clue where to start with accessing the type of things I needed.

Your service has been such a help to me, and it is reassuring to know that should I discover there are other things I need, I now know where to come and who to ask to redirect me and assist, the service you provide in the community is amazing and I thank you again.”

New disability equipment “Chat and collect” service

Since we launched our ‘Chat and no contact collect’ service at our disability equipment shop last week we’ve been able to match many customers with items they have needed. We’ve helped local people with walking aids, commodes, bathing equipment, wheelchairs and dressing aids so far.

So during the coronavirus crisis instead of visiting our shop you can now chat to us on the phone on 01582 470 900 or via the chat service, accessible at the bottom of every page on this website.

Stacey, Chera and Susan are all here to help.

We’ll tell you all about any items you are interested in, send you some photos and talk through the exact specifications, plus the price.

You will be able to pay over the phone and collect from our centre here in Dunstable, with us observing the highest hygiene and social distancing guidelines at all times.

Read full details about this brand new service

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32 ways to improve your wellbeing

There are lots of ways to help improve your overall wellbeing as a carer. Here we have compiled some local organisations and support groups that can help with your wellbeing, as well as some nationally available services, phone apps and useful websites.

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