What we do
Our service is confidential, independent and free.
This service provides up-to-date information and advice to people of any age and with any disability, older people, their families, carers, friends and associated professionals..
Please fill in this form to ask us a question or to book a one-to-one appointment.
Carers Central is here to help the 19,000 unpaid carers in Luton
Carers Central runs this dedicated website, allowing access to social and welfare advice. There are emergency numbers listed on the website with access to self-help information and links to specialist support.
A trained team of staff and volunteers are available from 10am to 4pm every weekday and every Tuesday evening until 7pm.
Please check on our website for the latest news about face-to-face appointments.
A referral from a professional
Referrals can be made into the hub through the partner organisations or professionals like social workers.
Web chat
Click the ‘chat to us’ at the bottom of every page or the “send us an email” when it’s out of our opening hours.
Web chat is open for instant help from 10am to 4pm weekdays and until 7pm on Tuesday evenings.
See us near you
We provide various activities in the community to support unpaid carers including:
- Coffee mornings for carers
- Carers’ events
- Community events
- Community engagement e.g. libraries, community halls, shopping centres
Care skills training is free for unpaid carers via the Care Academy run by The Disability Resource Centre.
See the main training page on The Disability Resource Centre for details of all the free workshops, mini-courses and 1-2-1 coaching programmes that are available for free for carers in Luton.
Cares Central can support you with all the training options with regular contact, further information and help you to fill-in training enrollment forms.
Peer support and local community groups
Support groups are very important and can help you feel connected to other people in similar caring roles.
The following groups offer friendly support in Luton:
(all subject to coronavirus regulations)
- Carers Central support group for unpaid carers
- Luton Asian Carers Service
- Mind BLMK Carers Support Service
- YAWN Life
- CHUMS for young carer’s support
- Carers Eating Disorders Association; contact the group leaders by email cedaluton@gmail.com
- Fibromyalgia Group contact the group leader by emailteresawilliams.ret@btinternet.com
- Alzheimer’s Society by email bedfordshireandluton@alzheimers.org.uk
- Caribbean Carers Support Initiative via email at admin@ccsi.org.uk
- Woman’s Aid Luton
- Luton All Woman’s Centre
- Stepping Stones
Disability equipment
All Local Authorities will offer an Occupational Health Assessment.
This might include installing equipment, minor works, or to facilitate major adaptations to help you remain safe and independent in and around your home.
You may decide that you would like to look at various types of equipment independently.
The Disability Resource Centre has a team of Trusted Assessors who can show you the types of equipment available.
This could include help with bathing, toileting, walking or useful gadgets to make life easier in the home. To make an appointment call 01582 470900 or email info@drcbeds.org.uk
Employment support for carers
It can be difficult to find time in your week to focus on you and your wellbeing. The free support programme available from The Disability Resource Centre for carers could be the starting point you need to help manage your wellbeing, learn new skills and/or gain paid work.
Topics covered:
- Identify transferable skills and strengths
- Explore different work options
- Skills health checks
- Write a winning CV & excelling in interview
- Covering letters and emails
- Volunteering opportunities & self-employment
- Support in the workplace
Contact us by email
Carers Central has a dedicated email address that is monitored daily by carers: carerscentral@drcsbeds.org.uk
Social media
We provide a Facebook community group for unpaid carers in Luton and recently launched the Carers Central Facebook page to share news and ideas. We have over 70 members who can post questions and reply to other members’ questions, supporting each other throughout the week.
Call us during office hours on 0300 303 0201
Or email us and we’ll get straight back to you.
We’ve built this service to support unpaid carers across Luton, funded by Luton Council in partnership with NHS Luton Clinical Commissioning Group.
Helpful information for carers
A guide for new unpaid carers in Luton, with support from Carers Central
Becoming an unpaid carer for a loved one can be a significant life change. This guide is designed to help new unpaid carers in Luton navigate these initial steps and access the resources available to you.
Taking a Break: Respite Services Available to Unpaid Carers in Luton
Being an unpaid carer is a rewarding yet demanding role. Taking a break is important and that’s where respite services come in. Read what’s available in Luton.
Stay warm & save money: Your guide to energy support for Luton’s unpaid carers this winter 2024 / 2025
Carers Central and The Disability Resource Centre has compiled a comprehensive guide to energy support resources to help you navigate the challenges and stay warm this winter: Winter can be a financially stressful time, especially for unpaid carers. The rising cost of energy adds an extra burden, but help is available…
Luton Carers’ Handbook – Now available in 11 languages
Download your free copy of the latest edition of the Luton Carers’ Handbook. Luton Council, our Carers Central funders, kindly arranged the translation of our popular Luton Carers’ Handbook, from English, to 10 further popular languages spoken in Luton.
Luton Carers’ Handbook: Download your free copy now
We just updated the Luton Carers’ Handbook and is now available in 11 versions in popular languages. It’s full of important information and useful tips including: Contingency planning, Carer’s Assessments, respite breaks for carers, benefits and money, employment support, end of life care, information on medications and health conditions, useful local and national contacts plus an updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers section.
Are you an unpaid carer?
A carer is someone who looks after a relative or friend who, because of age, mental health, physical or other disability, cannot manage at home without help. Even if you receive Carer’s Allowance for your caring role, you are still classed as an unpaid carer.
32 ways to improve your wellbeing
There are lots of ways to help improve your overall wellbeing as a carer. Here we have compiled some local organisations and support groups that can help with your wellbeing, as well as some nationally available services, phone apps and useful websites.
Discounts for carers in Luton
We’ve compiled all the great price discounts available for carers in Luton including venues, activities, transport and more…
Help to get a Blue Badge
A Blue Badge for disabled parking If you feel the person you are caring for could benefit from a Blue Badge to help with disabled parking they can apply (or you can apply for them as their carer) via their local authority’s website. Who is entitled to a blue badge? You may be able to
5 minute guide to high blood pressure or hypertension
There are millions of adults who have hypertension. You may be one of them, but you probably don’t know it yet. Many people suffer from hypertension without knowing it. Although this type of high blood pressure is usually harmless and symptomless, it can cause serious health problems if left untreated. We’ll cover everything you need
Carer’s breaks
You may be able to receive some help that enables you to take some time out from your caring responsibilities…
Watch our Luton vaccination video page
Watch some excellent videos from people in Luton who have had their COVID-19 vaccinations. There are some videos from local medical professionals too…