Our team is here for you…

Melanie Hawman, our CEO, writes about how the whole team at The Disability Resource Centre is fully operational, all working at home:

“It is with great pride that I share all the wonderful work of our hard-working charity team. Everyone has quickly adapted to new ways of supporting our many vulnerable service users.


Our full team are now all working at home (many thanks to our IT support partners CMC), providing our many services by phone and online via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, mobile text, email and you can also chat to us live on this website:

WhatsApp: 07871 744157
Phone: 01582 470 900
Facebook Messenger: @TheDisabilityResourceCentre
Email: info@drcbeds.org.uk
Text us: 07871 744157
Chat to us now: Click the pink ‘chat to us’ box below, 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday


We’ll help support you with lots of practical information. For specific advice about benefits, benefits appeals and equipment we can arrange dedicated telephone appointments.

People have been calling us about special time slots for food shopping at local supermarkets for vulnerable individuals. We’ve been helping provide up to date information and guiding people to the many local support groups who can help with shopping, including those on the Covid Mutual Aid website.

Our website provides up-to-date web links to relevant and trustworthy websites, both locally and nationwide. You can chat to us on our website or at our popular Facebook page.

We’re busy contacting the most vulnerable people in our area and connecting up online with local support groups in our community.

Our dedicated carers team is helping carers and PAs to understand about changes required in their work practices during the crisis and any support or benefits they may be entitled to claim.

The equipment team is supporting local people with advice and links to many popular items like pendant alarms, mobile phones and walking equipment. We are guiding people on the Disabled Living Foundation websites and supporting people with applying for equipment funding grants.

During the coronavirus crisis we are helping people to access reliable health and support information, and also put them in contact with NHS services to get medications delivered.

We are asked a wide variety of questions about the current situation and always take the time to help on related topics. There are often no set answers for most of these questions, as the situation changes daily, so we are always busy researching the most up to date and reliable information.

In the coming days and weeks we’re starting to provide many training courses online including 1-2-1 learning support by phone and email.

We are here with a listening ear too, offering emotional support helping as many disabled people and carers as possible to stay connected; supporting their mental health and overall wellbeing.”

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32 ways to improve your wellbeing

There are lots of ways to help improve your overall wellbeing as a carer. Here we have compiled some local organisations and support groups that can help with your wellbeing, as well as some nationally available services, phone apps and useful websites.

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