
The Disability Resource Centre has an outstanding record of supplying high quality information, advice and support services to disabled people in Bedfordshire, Luton and Northamptonshire over the past 20+ years.
We are pleased that our standards and rigour have been recognised in our award of PQASSO level 1, endorsed by the Charity Commission.

Along with our partners, we deliver:

  • Advice and Information Services to Disabled People and their families
  • Advice and Information Services to Carers of Disabled People
  • Support under our Personalisation Services
  • Support to enable disabled people to work
  • Improving Health, Learning and Work opportunities
  • Disabled Sport

We welcome the opportunity to work with new Funding Partners, Supply Partners and Customers.

If your organisation would like more information about working in partnership with the Carers Central and The Disability Resource Centre then please contact us. 

Associated Partners

We have a supply chain network that includes charities, training companies and colleges. For our supply chain partners we offer excellent management; resources including training and marketing and a partnership culture of collaboration and cooperation.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are pleased to work in partnership with companies fulfilling their Corporate Social Responsibility roles, and companies offering us charitable rates for their work.

Carers Central operational partners:

Parkinson’s UK 

To access the Parkinson’s UK Adviser Service, in the first instance please contact their free confidential national helpline on 0808 800 0303. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm and Saturday’s 10am to 2pm or email:


SENDIAS stands for Special Educational Needs Disabilities Information Advice & Support.

The LutonSENDIAS provides free impartial and confidential help. The LutonSENDIAS website provides information about all the available services and their contact details.

Deaf Blind UK

Deafblind UK supports those who care for people with sight and hearing loss.

They can help you to clear your head and make sense of your emotions whilst providing social opportunities to connect you to other people in a similar position to you.

The service includes: Remote friendship groups, telephone befriending, emotional support and counselling, help with technology and a friendly and accessible helpline.

To find out more or to access any of the above free services, contact Deafblind UK, call: 0800 132 320.



Text: 07903572885

Twitter and Facebook @DeafblindUK

Autism Bedfordshire

This popular local charity runs activity clubs and events through the year.

The Autism Bedfordshire website has contact details and information about all of their support programmes.

Healthwatch Luton

Whether it’s good or bad, Healthwatch Luton wants to hear your experiences of health and social care services in Luton. Visit their website for full details.

Luton All Women’s Centre 

Luton All Women’s Centre offers advice and support to women around a range of issues including domestic abuse, sexual violence, harmful practices (forced marriage, honour based abuse and FGM), and mental health and wellbeing.

They also support professionals who are working with women around any of these issues, and offer training sessions in domestic abuse and harmful practices.

Phone: 01582 416783

Email: for more information.

Visit the Luton All Women’s Centre website.

Families in Luton Autism Group

FLAG meetings can provide parents with an opportunity to discuss issues with other families, carers and teachers.  Meetings are held via zoom.

See the FLAG web page for contact details.

Luton Foodbank

The team at Luton Foodbank can help with advice and information as well as provide essential supplies.

Mind BLMK 

If you or someone you know needs urgent or crisis support with their mental health, then Mind BLMK is there for you. The Crisis Café operates 365 days of the year, between 5pm – 11pm and can be contacted during these times via telephone on 01525 722 225.

See the Mind BLMK website for full details.

Headway Luton

Headway Luton supports people living with an acquired brain injury.

Based in Luton, on Alma Street, the day centre is open five days a week, Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm. During lockdown they provided online activities and meetings for clients which are still continuing as part of a hybrid service. Visit the Headway Luton website.


CHUMS Young Carers Service supports children and young people aged 5-25 who are helping to care for someone with a disability, chronic or serious illness, mental health condition, learning difficulty etc. whether that be a parent or sibling. Young carers often experience social isolation because of their responsibilities at home.

Support is offered through group work in schools as well as individual mentoring and monthly drop ins. Service users have the chance to talk about any worries / difficulties they may be facing and to learn strategies to help them manage these issues.

For further info contact 01525 863924 

Luton Council Autism Team

The Autism Team is currently hosting the parent support groups online.

See the Luton Council website for full details.

Bedfordshire Fire Service Safe and Well

If you know someone that may be at risk of fire or would benefit from a free home fire safety assessment then call 0800 043 5042 or complete the form online.


ResoLUTiONs is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults, young people and families in Luton. Anybody can be affected by drug and or/alcohol use, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, beliefs, class, age, sexuality, disability or lifestyle.

They provide: structured treatment interventions; access to pathways to inpatient and community detox and rehabilitation programmes; criminal justice interventions; a hospital liaison service and much more. Call 0800 0546 603.

Alzheimer’s Society

If you are concerned about the memory of a loved one, or have recently received a dementia diagnosis, please get it touch with the  Dementia Support service for any information, support and advice.’

Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Support Luton

Tel: 01582 470910


Keech Hospice

Keech Hospice Care has recently launched a new bereavement service. It is completely free to anyone from Luton and Bedfordshire aged 18 or over and no existing connection to Keech required. If you, or someone you know, may benefit from their new bereavement service, please call them today on 0800 0350 0011 or pass the attached information on. It may just be the best email you send today.  

See full details of the Keech bereavement support service.

Bedfordshire Chronic Fatigue Service

Bedfordshire Chronic Fatigue Service can be contacted by email on: or telephone the Single Point of Access on 0345 602 4064 who will pass your message to them. 

Fibromyalgia Support Group

A local support group for people with fibromyalgia Please contact Teresa Williams on 01582 873297 or email: if you need support. 

South Asian Wellbeing Club for the over 50s

The South Asian Wellbeing Club at Cardigan Street Luton has now reopened. 

They are open from 11am until 2pm for people who are aged 50 plus. It’s a great place to socialise with tea, snacks and lunch all provided. You can also join the exercise sessions plus the health and safety talks. There is a small charge for the food provided.

Vauxhall Welfare Fund

They are a registered charity that supports people who have Vauxhall/IBC vehicle connections. Anyone receiving a salary or pension from them is eligible for financial help. Amongst many other things they can help with funding for disability equipment.


Phone: 07460 171 565

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation 

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) are the only UK charity specifically focussed on the needs of children and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, and their families. 

The Family Support Service can provide information and support about the needs of your family member with a severe learning disability. Support is confidential, and you won’t be judged or told what to do.  

Phone: 0300 666 0126  



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32 ways to improve your wellbeing

There are lots of ways to help improve your overall wellbeing as a carer. Here we have compiled some local organisations and support groups that can help with your wellbeing, as well as some nationally available services, phone apps and useful websites.

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